torek, 17. november 2015

Wedding/ *Poroka: Maja & Luka, Brdo pri Kranju

Poročni dan Maje in Luka se je začel dopoldne v njunem stanovanju, kjer so naju razveselila velika okna z veliko naravne svetlobe, tako da sva se takoj posvetila fotografiranju detajlov: prstanov, oblek, čevljev in vabil, ujela pa sva še simpatično vizažistko Marjo.

* Maja & Luka's wedding day started early in their apartment where we were greeted by wonderful natural light from their large windows. We loved all the natural light and started the day by photographing their wedding details, as we always do: the rings, dress, shoes and invitations. We were lucky enough to meet the lovely make up artist Marja and get a few photos with her and the bride during make up.

Malo fotk čeveljcev./ * Some shoe pictures.
Nekaj hitrih portretov ženina pred odhodom na Brdo.
* A few quick portraits of the groom before he rushed off to the wedding venue Brdo near Kranj.
Pa prstani - pri prstanih si vedno vzameva dovolj časa za nekaj makro fotk./ 
*Love the ring shots - we always take some extra time to make some macro shots of the bands.
Še nekaj zadnjih nevestinih priprav pred odhodom na obred na Brdo pri Kranju. /
* The brides maid of honour came to the apartment for some last preparations before leaving to the wedding venue - Brdo near Kranj.
Na Brdu pro Kranju je ekipa za organizacijo porok poskrbela za krasen poročni šopek./ 
* The wedding bouquet was waiting for the bride at the venue.
Medtem ko je ženin pred hotelom Kokra sprejemal goste, smo z nevesto v VIP salonu imeli nekaj minut za predporočne portrete neveste. Velika okna z lepo naravno svetlobo, lepo pohištvo in seveda prekrasna nevesta so nama zelo olajšali delo :)
* While the groom was greeting the guests outside the hotel, we had a few extra minutes with the bride for some final bridal portraits. Big windows with some great natural light, nice room and a gorgeus bride - what else could you wish for :)
Presenečenje ob prihodu očeta./ * Then her dad walked in.
Na srečo je vreme dopuščalo, da so se gostje sprehodili od hotela do Račjega otoka, nevesta pa je nekaj minut za njimi z očetom prispela na kraj obreda, kot v pravljici - s kočijo :)
* And the weather was kind to the guests - they were able to walk from the hotel to the Duck Island at Brdo near Kranj. The bride and her dad followed a few minutes later and it was like a fairy tale - they arrived in a horse carriage.
Za odlično glasbeno spremljavo pa so poskrbeli Kranjci.
* The band 'Kranjci'.
Organizatorji poroke na Brdu pro Kranju so poskrbeli za res poseben potek obreda - vse skupaj je namreč vodila pripovedovalka, ki je ravno v tem trenutku, ki je ujet tu spodaj, mamama ženina in neveste sporočila, da bosta kmalu postali babici :)

* The organizing team at Brdo near Kranj organized the whole event beautifully - a story teller guided the guests through the wedding and told the story of the couple. At this exact moment below she told the bride's and groom's mothers they were going to become grandmothers soon. How cute is that.
Kratka pogostitev po poroki./ *Cocktail hour.

Po pogostitvi pa sta si mladoporočenca vzela dovolj časa za poročne portrete, ki smo jih lahko naredili res veliko, saj je na Brdu pri Kranj ogromno lepih fotogeničnih kotičkov.

* We were happy the newlyweds planned enough time for wedding portraits after the cocktail hour and we were really able to make a whole lot of pictures in all those great places the venue Brdo near Kranj has to offer. 
Krasen par./ *What a wonderful couple.
Še nekaj zadnjih fotk ob odhodu proti avtomobilu. Sicer smo malo pogrešali sonce tisti dan, ampak na srečo smo ga imeli ogromno na njunem zaročnem fotkanju.
* And a few last portraits before heading back to our cars. We did miss the sun a bit that day, but at least we were blessed with it on their engagement shoot.
Prihod na kraj zabave - Vila Bella pri Preddvoru./ * The reception venue was Vila Bella near Preddvor.
Po kraji šopka in neveste se je zabava zelo razživela in trajala dolgo v noč :)
* After the tradiotional stealing of the bride and the bouquet the party lasted all night long.
Kljub malo nižjim temperaturam je nevesta v kratki oblekici pridno stala pri miru za nekaj fotk z iskricami.
* Despite the lower temperatures and a short dress the bride really cooperated and stood still for a few sparkler photos.
Velika hvala Maji in Luku, da sta nama zaupala fotografiranje tako pomembnega dneva in še enkrat se zahvaljujeva, da sta naju tako prisrčno sprejela na vajini poročni zabavi - najlepše je, ko se tudi midva počutiva kot del poroke, kot prava gosta. Pozdrav tudi vsem gostom in hvala vsem za poziranje :). Srečno!

* A big thank you to Maja and Luka for trusting us to capture their big day and for welcoming us so kindly. We just love weddings where we feel like guests. Greeting to all the other guests and thanks for posing :) Good luck!

Engagement/ *Zaroka: Maja + Luka, Brdo pri Kranju

Kraj poroke, organizacija, šopek/ *Wedding venue, organization, flowers: Brdo pri Kranju/ Brdo near Kranj
Kraj zabave/ *Reception: Vila Bella
Glasba/ *Music: Kranjci
Vizažistka/ *Make up: Marja Bizjak Ažman
Fotografija/ *Photography: mevzup photography

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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