sreda, 23. september 2015

Engagement/ *Zaroka: Maja + Luka, Brdo pri Kranju

Z Majo in Lukom smo se dobili nekaj tednov pred njuno poroko na Brdu pri Kranju. Temperature so takrat bile še prijetno poletne, park je nudil prekrasno okolje za njune zaročne fotke in sonca smo tudi imeli na pretek. Dobili smo se okoli dve uri pred sončnim zahodom in dobro izkoristili večino parka, kjer se bo zelo kmalu odvijala tudi njuna poroka. Maja in Luka sta se za zaročno fotkanje tudi zelo potrudila - najela sta namreč električno vozilo ter košarico za piknik, tako da smo vse te prigrizke vključili tudi v njune fotke. Uživajte!

* We had Maja&Luka's engagement shoot a few weeks before their wedding in the park of Brdo near Kranj, Slovenia. The temperatures were still nice and warm, there was plenty of sunlight and the park offered a wonderful backdrop for their engagement portraits. We met about two hours before the sunset and used most of the park that will soon also be the place of their wedding. Maja and Luka made sure their session was quite special - they rented an electric car and a picnic basket so we used the snacks as props. Enjoy! 
Najprej malo ogrevanja v prvem outfitu./ *Firstly, some warming up in the first outfit.
Krasna sta./ * Aren't they wonderful.
Po casual oblačilih pa smo še zamenjali look in preostanek dneva ter piknik pofotkali v lepi oblekici in srajci, kar fotke naredi še bolj posebne.
* After the first more casual outfit they changed into a dress and a shirt so we continued shooting in more elegant clothes which make the photos even more special.
Maja in Luka sta torej najela tudi piknik košarico, v kateri so jima v hotelu Brdo pripravili prav okusne in fotogenične prigrizke.
* So this is the picnic basket the couple rented with all the tasty and pretty snacks that were wonderful to shoot. 
Jam, čokoladna pena./ *  Yum, chocolate mousse.
Lepa./ * So beautiful.
 Luštna./ * So cute.
Na drugi strani jezera smo ujeli še prekrasno sončno svetlobo tik pred zahodom.
* We were lucky to get some wonderful sunlight right before the sunset at the other side of the lake.
Še nekaj svetlobe je ostalo za zaključek fotkanja.
* We used every bit of the last available light before ending of the shoot.
Maja in Luka sta bila taka pridna in krasna modela, zato komaj čakamo na ponovitev fotkanja na njun poročni dan. Res držimo pesti, da bo tudi sonce tako lepo sodelovalo kot zadnjič! Se vidimo kmalu.
* Maja and Luka were such great models we can hardly wait to do it all over again for their wedding. We really hope we'll get some sun and make some great wedding portraits. See you soon!

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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