četrtek, 10. september 2015

Wedding: Miriam & Matija

Prejšni petek je bil poseben dan, poročni dan Miriam in Matije. Zjutraj sva se odpeljala v okolico Zagreba in se najprej ustavila pri ženinu. Dopoldne je bilo lepo sončno in v njegovi domači hiši sva se najprej posvetila njegovim detajlom, potem pa še portretom in skuipinskim fotografijam celotne družine.

* Last Friday was a special day, Miriam and Matija's wedding day. In the morning we drove to the groom' home near Zagreb. It was a beautiful sunny day and we first started taking shots of his details, later took his portraits and then took family shots.
Potem sva šla k nevesti./ * Then we were off to the bride's home.
Štiri prekrasne sestre. / *Beautiful bridesmaids - all sisters :)
Same lepotice./ *Beautiful girls.
In zelo hitro smo se odpeljali do dvorca Lužnica na fotošut in upali na nekaj lepih portretov.
* We soon drove to the Luznica castle near Zagreb, Croatia to get some nice portraits.
Taka pridna modela./ *They were such amazing models.
Težko je bilo izbrati najlepše fotke, zato jih je toliko tukaj :) 
* I know there's a lot of photos but it was so hard to choose the best ones.
Vau./ *Stunning
Friends :)
Vse bolj sta lepa :) / *Keeps getting better and better.
Miriam je bila prekrasna nevesta./ * Miriam was such a stunning bride.
Seriously gorgeous. 
No, tudi ženin je pravi model, anede./* Also the groom wasn't half bad.
Zdaj pa akcija, gremo na poroko./ * And now action, let' get MARRIED!
Pričakovanje ženina je eden lepših trenutkov na poroki.
* The anticipation of the groom is the best thing ever.
Poroka čisto na prostem, na vrhu hribčka.
* The wedding took place outing the open at the top of a hill.
Poročil ju je nevestin oče./ * The bride's father was the officiant - how amazing is that.
Aha, no potem pa so se pojavile kapljice dežja.
* Well, then we welcomed some rain drops.
In ravno pred izmenjavo prstanov je pričelo že kar precej liti.
* And right before the rings the rain stared to pour!
Ampak ju dež ni zmotil :) / * But the happy couple didn't really mind the rain.
In po obredu smo vsi stekli v šotor pod streho, premočeni. 
* And right after the ceremony we all ran inside under the tent, soaked.
Prvi ples./ * First dance.
Tortica :) / * The lovely cake.
Še obvezna fotka ponoči, na srečo je dež ponehal. 
* And a mandatory night sparkles shot and luckily the rain stopped.
Pa metanje šopka. / *And the bouquet toss.
In nor žur do jutra :) / * And the party continued all night long.
We should all make up often :)
Luštna. / * They're so cute.
Krasna poroka, krasni ljudje, še vreme je poskrbelo da je bil dan res nekaj posebnega in zabavnega. Velika hvala Miriam in Matiji in srečno.
* A wonderful wedding, beautiful people and even the weather made sure the day was special and we were all entertained. A big thank you to Miriam and Matija and we wish you all the best!

Wedding & Reception Venue: Mont Antonio Club, Donji Laduč
Music: Falset band

Poglejte še njune zaročne fotke. / *Check out their engagement shoots:

Miriam + Matija, part II, Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana

Miriam + Matija, part I, Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana, Park Tivoli

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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