ponedeljek, 20. julij 2015

Miriam + Matija, part II, Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana

Po fotografiranju v Tivoliju, smo se zadnjič z Miriam in Matijo sprehodili seveda še do prekrasnega centra Ljubljane. Če se slučajno še niste sprehodili po novi Slovenski cesti, obvezno pojdite tja čimprej, najbolje kako soboto popoldne, ko je mesto nabito s pravim poletnim vzdušjem, očaranimi turisti in je občutek kot v pravi evropski prestolnici. Ustavili smo se na kamnitem Gerberjevem stopnišču ob Kongresnem trgu in posneli te prekrasne portrete ob sončnem zahodu.

* After taking the first part of Miriam&Matija's engagement photos in the green Tivoli park, we walked to the town centre and continued there. If you haven't already taken a stroll down the new Slovenska street, I suggest you try it; the best time is on a Saturday afternoon when you get a true summer feel, the city is filled with enthusiastic tourists and the atmosphere is similar to any European capital. Our first stop were the Gerber's Steps near the Congress square where we shot these gorgeous sunlit portraits.
Obožujeva, ko se sončna svetloba tako lepo razprši okoli para.
* We just love when the sunlight softly spills around the couple.
Kako sta lušna :)/ * Aren't they cute?
Lepa svetloba na Ribji brvi.
* Some great light at the Fish Footbridge in the centre of Ljubljana.
Huda sta :) / * So fierce :)
Še enkrat hvala Miriam in Matiji za krasno sobotno popoldne, vesela sva, da sta za svoje zaročne fotke izbrala Ljubljano. Komaj pa čakava na septembrsko poroko, ki bo po opisih, ki sva jih slišala, prav pravljična (zunaj na prostem, na vrhu hribčka, s pogledom na grad Mokrice...).

* Many thanks to Miriam and Matija for a great afternoon session. We're glad that they chose Ljubljana as a location for their engagement photos. We cant wait for their September wedding; from what we heard, it is going to be a fairy tale (outside, at the top of a hill, with a view of the Mokrice castle...).

Poglejte še podobne objave: / * Related posts:

Miriam + Matija, part I, Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana, Park Tivoli 
Poroka, BLAŽENKA + SETH, Čakovec
Manuela + Filip, part II, Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana, Park Tivoli 
Manuela + Filip, part III, Urban Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana Center 
Manuela + Filip, Destination Engagement Shoot, Venice, Italy

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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