torek, 14. julij 2015

Miriam + Matija, part I, Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana, Park Tivoli

Prejšnjo soboto smo se z Miriam in Matijo, prijetnim parom iz Zagreba dobili v ljubljanskem parku Tivoli in naredili nekaj njunih sproščenih zaročnih fotografij. Z Miriam smo se bežno srečali že na poroki moje sestrične Blaženke pred dvema letoma (se spomnite te prekrasne poroke Blaženke in Setha - klik) in prav vesela sva, da sta za fotografiranje svoje letošnje poroke Miriam in Matija izbrala prav naju :).

* Last Saturday we met with Miriam and Matija, a lovely couple from Zagreb, at the Tivoli park in Ljubljana and had a relaxed engagement photoshoot. We briefly met with Miriam two years ago at my cousin's wedding (remember this gorgeous wedding of Blazenka & Seth) and we are so happy that Miriam and Matija chose us to photograph their big day this September.
Čudovito poletno sonce! / * Nothing beats the summer sun!
Po Tivoliju smo se sprehodili še do centra Ljubljane, ker smo sicer imeli na voljo le kratek čas, a vseeno je nastalo kar nekaj prekrasnih fotk ob sončnem zahodu, ki si zaslužijo kar svojo objavo, tako da se vidimo spet čez nekaj dni še z ljubljanskimi fotkami. Hvala za ogled in uživajte!

* After Tivoli park we walked to the center of Ljubljana and took a few amazing shots there, although we didn't have a lot of time, but luckily we managed to make the most of the sunset. We'll post those pics in a few days in a separate post so see you back shortly.
Thanks for visiting and stay happy!

Poglejte še podobne objave: / * Related posts:

Poroka, BLAŽENKA + SETH, Čakovec
Manuela + Filip, part II, Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana, Park Tivoli 
Manuela + Filip, part III, Urban Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana Center 
Manuela + Filip, Destination Engagement Shoot, Venice, Italy

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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