petek, 8. maj 2015

Classical Greece - a trip / * Klasična Grčija - potovanje

Med zadnjimi prazniki sva torej na hitro skočila v Grčijo - po vseh tistih otokih je bil tokrat čas za celino. In za foro sva šla tja celo z ladjo, da še jaz (Tea) ščekiram, kako to izgleda (Mev je bil že na absolventu na Kreti). Izpluli smo iz Ancone, do Igoumenitse v Grčiji in taka 16-urna plovba čez noč čisto zadostuje, da dobiš občutek, kako (dolgčas) je na ladji :)

* We used the last holidays for a short trip to Greece. After all those islands we visited, it was finally time for Central Greece. We thought we'd try to travel there by boat, so I (Tea) can experience the whole thing (Mev also experienced it for his graduation trip in college). We sailed out from Ancona, Italy to Igoumenitsa in Greece and this 16-hour trip is just enough to see how (boring) it is to travel by this big ship.
Prvi postanek: samostani v Meteori./ * Our first stop was Meteora and its monasteries.
Na enega od teh samostanov je v 80-ih lezel celo James Bond.
* In one of the James Bond films from the 80s you can see Bond climbing up those cliffs.
V enem samostanu dobiš tako kiklo :) Fensi.
* They give you this skirt in one of the monasteries. Lovely  :)
Na tega pa se menihi zapeljejo z gondolo.
* A cable car takes the monks to this one.
Meva niso spustili noter, ker ni menih :)
* But they didn't let Mev on the cable car (because he's obviously not a monk).
Kralj Leonidas - spomenik bitki pri Termopilah (v filmu 300 ga je igral Gerard Butler).
* King Leonidas at the Thermopyles monument (Gerard Butler portrayed him in the movie 300).
Kralj Leonidas je tudi Mevov 'vzornik', saj je po duši Špartanec :)
* King Leonidas is also Mev's idol - namely, he is very Spartan.
Tole je pa že v najpomembnejšem antičnem svetišču Delphi. Tale kamen na desni, imenovan 'popek' (omphalos po grško), je nekoč veljal za center sveta (dva antična grška orla sta baje obkrožila svet in se srečala na točno tem mestu).

* Moving on to the most important holy place in Ancient Greece, Delphi. This rock on the right is called 'a navel' (Omphalos in Greek) and it was considered to be the center of the world (supposedly, two ancient Greek eagles circled the world and met at this exact spot).
Staro grška pisava je praktično enaka kot današnja, tako da Grki z lahkoto preberejo starodavne zapise (za razliko od Egipčanov :).

* Ancient Greek writing practically hasn't changed so the Greeks are able to read all those ancient writings (as opposed to the Egyptians :)
Antični stadion čisto na vrhu. /* The ancient stadium at the top.
Apolonov tempelj, pred katerim je stalo starodavno preročišče oz. oracle.
* The temple of Apollo was the site of the ancient Oracle and this is where all the prophecies happened.
In kot pravi delfijaš je Mev par stvari sprogramiral v Delphiju, pred Oraclom (računalnikarji bodo štekali, za kaj gre) - oz. se je pretvarjal, ker pač ni imel računalnika s sabo. Saj je tudi tale zid v redu :)

* As a true Delphi developer Mev had to do some programming in Delphi, in front of the Oracle (IT people will understand this...). Or better say, he pretended, because he obviously didn't pack his computer. But this wall do :)
Novi most Rio–Antirrio pri Patrasu, ki povezuje celinsko Grčijo s Peloponezom.

* A new bridge called Rio–Antirrio near Patras connecting central Greece with the Peloponnese.
In Korintnski prekop, ki povezuje Jonsko morje z Egejskim (jonca z egejcem). Dolg pa je nekaj več kot 6 km.

* The Corinth Canal connecting Ionian sea to the Aegean sea. It's more that 6 km long.
Za tole ste verjetno že kdaj slišali, tole naj bi bil najboljši suvlaki v Grčiji. Nahaja se tik ob Korintskem prekopu.

* You've probably heard of this place -  here the have supposedly the best souvlaki in Greece. It's located right next to the canal.
Mev pravi, da je res fini :) / *  Mev liked it.
Meni je pa frape boljši :) / * I prefer greek frappe.
Taka dolga plaža s kamenčki je v obmorskem mestu Loutraki.
* This long beach with pebbles is in Loutraki.
In naslednje jutro v najbolje ohranjeno antično gledališče Epidaver.

* So, the next morning we went to the Epidaurus ancient theatre.
Akustika je res neverjetna; če stojiš na tem okroglem središčnem kamnu te sliši celotno gledališče.

* The acoustics here are amazing; if you stand on this round stone the whole theatre can hear you.
Tale otoček pa se vidi iz obmorskega mesta Nafplio, ki je baje najlepše grško mesto.
* You can see this little island from the city of Nafplio that is supposed to be the prettiest Greek town.
Palme! / * Palm trees!
V bližini so Mikene, eden od centrov starodavne civilizacije (Agamemnon pa to).

* The ancient town of Mycenae is close by, it's one of the centres of the ancient civilization (Agamemnon and those stories).
Znana mikenska levja vrata. / *The famous lion door.
Še en Mikenec. / * One more Mycenae person.
In za konec še Atene. Tole je prvi olimpijski stadion zgrajen za prve Olimpijske igre moderne dobe leta 1896, obnovljen l. 2004 za Olimpijske igre v Atenah.

* And finally, our last stop, the Athens. This is the first Olympic stadium built for the first modern Olympics in 1896. It's been renovated in 2004 for another Olympic games.
Stavba parlamenta (ki jo verjetno poznate iz Dnevnika, ker so pred njo vedno kaki protesti...) in častna straža, ki se vsake pol ure takole malo razgiba.

* The Paliament and the guards that walk around like this every half an hour.
Pa večerni sprehod po starem delu Aten, predelu Plaka, ki spominja na beograjsko Skadarlijo: gostilnice, muska, vsi jejo, se zabavajo, fajn vzdušje.

* An evening walk though the oldest part of town, Plaka - it looks a lot like Skadarlija in Belgrade: restaurants, music, everybody is eating, having fun, nice atmosphere. Nice.
In imajo tak veličasten pogled na atensko Akropolo.
* And they have a majestic view of the Ancient Acropolis of Athens.
Kamorkoli se obrneš, pa so neka arheološka najdbišča.
* Ancient findings everywhere you look.
Seveda sva si privoščila fino večerjico.
* Our nice Greek dinner.

Takoj naslednje jutro pa na atensko Akropolo; takole lepo obsijan z jutranjim soncem te pričaka Partenon.

* And the next morning a trip to the Ancient Acropolis of Athens where you are welcomed by the sunlit Parthenon.
Erechtheion in kariatide (to so ti ženski kipi).
* Erechtheion and the Caryatids (these women statues).
Pa Zeusov tempelj tamle spodaj.
* The temple of Zeus is down there.
Fajn urejene strehe. /*  Nice roofs.
Pa Zevsov tempelj od spodaj.
* Zeus temple from below.
In na koncu še vožnja do rta Sounion, kjer se na griču nahaja Pozejdonov tempelj.
* Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion near Athens.
Cvet agave, ki izgleda kot en ogromen špargelj :)
* The agave flower that looks like a freakishly giant asparagus :)

Toliko torej o tem kratkem izletu po celinski Grčiji. Definitivno bo treba priti še kdaj in zelo natančno obdelati vse te lokacije, potem pa mogoče s trajektom skočiti na kak bližnji otok, npr. Skopelos, Skiatos ali celo Mikonos! Izgleda, da imamo plane za naprej narejene :)

* That's it for our short trip to Greece. We will surely have to come back and go thoroughly through these places again and maybe combine the trip with a vacation on one of Greek islands nearby, like Skopelos, Skiathos or even Mykonos! So, I guess our plans are set :)

Preverite še ostale grške objave./ * Check our other Greek posts:
Tasty Times in Central Greece
Idilični Karpatos / Pristine Karpathos
Prečudovit Santorini / The beautiful Santorini
Neveste s Santorinija/ Santorini brides
Greek dishes on vacation/ *Grške dobrote na počitnicah 
Otok Kos, Grčija/ * Kos Island, Greece
Beaches of Kos, Greece/ * Plaže na otoku Kos, Grčija

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