sreda, 11. februar 2015

Larisa - Valentine's Winter Portraits

Po skupnem družinskem fotografiranju v sveže zasneženem kotičku ob bližnjem jezeru (klik tu) danes objavljava še posamezne fotke starejše hčerke Larise. Na kratko smo zadnjič vsako od punc pofotkali še individualno in ker je februar Valentinov mesec, se nam je zdelo zabavno fotografije malo popestriti z doma izdelanimi dodatki (najdenimi seveda na Pinterestu :).

* After a family winter session the last time (click here) we're posting some of the remaining portraits of the older daughter Larisa. We took individual photos of the girls and used some home-made Valentine's photo props to make the shoot even more fun (found of course on Pinterest). Enjoy.
 Jagode in Cockta, spremenjena v ljubezenski napoj :)
* Yum - strawberries and the Cockta drink, turned into a love potion.
Te prekrasne kitke je spletla mami!
* These wonderful braids were done by the girls' mom!
Smrekce pa so bile idealne, kot bi bile zasajene ravno za naše fotke :)
* These spruce trees were a perfect backdrop for these photos, we're so glad we found them.

Naslednjič pa objaviva še fotografije mlajše hčerke Ariane :)

* Next time - photos of the younger daughter Ariana :)

See also other photo-shoots of this family:
Valentine's Winter Family Session
Larisa I Ariana
Ariana Marie - zimski šut
Larisa - zimski šut

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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