četrtek, 12. februar 2015

Ariana Marie - Valentine's Winter Portraits

Dan pred fotografiranjem družine Sango je snežilo. Ko smo se dogovarjali za termin, smo ga zaradi dežja in potem zaradi viroz dvakrat prestavili, kar se nam je še kako obrestovalo! Prej je bila pokrajina dolgočasna, rjava, pusta, po sneženju pa je naš izbrani kotiček z malimi smrekami oživel in nam ponudil prelepo zimsko ozadje. Vmes na to soboto je celo zapadlo nekaj snežink, ki so še polepšale naše družinske zimske portrete (klik tu). Zadnjič smo videli še posamezne fotke Larise, danes je na vrsti mlajša sestrica Ariana.

* The day before the Sango family photo shoot it was snowing. We had to postpone our shoot twice, due to rain and viruses, but that turned out to be a good thing. Before that Saturday, the nature was boring, brown, plain, but after that snow our place with little spruce trees came to life in all its winter glory :) We even go a few fresh snowflakes during the shoot that made the family portraits even better (click here). Last post was about Larisa, today we present to you the younger sister, Ariana.

Hvala za obisk :)
* Thanx for viewing!

See also other photoshoots of this family:

Valentine's Winter Family Session
Larisa I Ariana
Ariana Marie - zimski šut
Larisa - zimski šut
Larisa - Valentine's Winter Portraits

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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