petek, 6. marec 2015

Maroko / * Morocco

Prejšnji mesec sva bila malo v Maroku pa objavljava nekaj fotk. Uživajte :)
* We went to Morocco last month and took a few photos. Enjoy!


Mošeja Hassana II - edina mošeja v Maroku, v katero imajo vstop tudi ne-muslimani (vstop dovoljen le ko ne izvajajo molitev). Mošeja stoji delno na vodi, na posebnem narejenem otočku.

* The Hassan II Mosque - the only mosque in Morocco that alows entrance to non-muslims (outside the prayers). The mosque is partly built on water, on a special island.
 Atlantik/ * The Atlantic ocean.
Kraljeva palača v Rabatu - glavni sedež maroškega kralja Mohammeda VI.
* King's palace in Rabat - the main palace of Mohammeda VI, the king of Morocco.
Stari del Rabata, ki izgleda kot kak Santorini :)
* The old part of rabat looks like Santorini.
Mesto Meknes./ * The town of Meknes.
Najstarejša mestna vrata v Maroku./* The oldes city door in Morocco.
Antični ostanki mesta Volubilis./ * The ancient town of Volubilis.
Nekje ob cesti med Rabatom in Fesom - najlepša svetloba in pokrajina v celem tednu.
* Somewhere between Rabat and Fes - the prettiest light and landscape all week.
Neverjetna avenija palm v Fesu. Res dolga, impresivne palme na obeh straneh avenije, škoda je le, da je dizajn avenije nekoliko nesmiseln. Namreč, pešci se lahko sprehajajo na zunanji strani teh palm, tik ob prometni cesti; na notranji strani, kjer bi imeli vsaj malo miru in uživali v teh prekrasnih palmah, pa je trava in vodometi, kjer ni dovoljeno hoditi... Le na parih mestih je dostop do sredine, kjer je določen majhen prostor za klopce. Škoda.

* An incredible avenue of palm trees in Fes. It's really long with impressive palm trees on both sides. It's a shame the design of the avenue doesn't make a lot of sense. Namely, pedestrians can walk only on the outer side of these palms, right next to a busy and noisy road. On the inner side, where they could enjoy some peace from city noise and enjoy the magnificent sight of palms, there are grass and water fountains. You only have access to the middle in a few places. Too bad...
Vrata kraljeve palače v Fesu. Tale gospod jih čisti z limono.
* The door to the king's palace in Fes. This gentleman is cleaning it with lemon.
Pogled na staro medino Fesa./ * The view of the ancient medina of Fes.
Takole ozke ulice so v stari medini Fesa./ * Fes has narrow streets like this one.
 Upala sem, da bova videla več takih stavb in vzorcev v Maroku, dejansko jih ne vidiš prav veliko.
* I was hoping to see more of such buildings and typical Moroccan patterns. You don't see a lot of them actually.
Metin čaj = maroški viski./ Mint tea = Moroccan whiskey.
Tole so bazeni za barvanje usnja, ki so znani po celem svetu. Oziroma, gradbišče, ker jih obnavljajo že en mesec. 
* These are the famous tanneries of Fes. Or, better say the building site, since they have been under renovation for the past month.
Na srečo je bila odprta ena manjša barvalnica usnja, ker smo lahko videli te bazene. Pa deževalo je, cel dan (cel teden...)
* Luckily, we got to visit a smaller tannery, so we could see those pools. And it was raining (the whole time).
Ob poskusu prečkanja Atlasa (ki ni uspel; zakaj ne, si lahko preberete tukaj), postanek v Mestu Ifrane in nekaj opic na poti.
* As we were trying to cross the Atlas mountain range (which wasn't successful), we stopped in Ifrane and met a few monkeys.
Večerni prihod v Marakeš./ * Evening n Marrakesh.

Na znanem trgu Jemaa El Fna./ * The world known Jemaa El Fna Square.
Marakeš je mesto tisočerih palm :)/ * Marrakesh is a city of thousands of palm trees.
Kar me zelo veseli :) / * Which makes me very happy.
Mevova knjigca. / * Mev's book.
Palma! / * Palms!
Roka Fatime (in Tee)./ Fatima's hand (and Tea's hand).
Botanični vrt Majorel v Marakešu, nekdanji dom Ivesa St. Laurenta.
* A botanical garden Majorel in Marrakesh, the former home of Ives St. Laurent.
Muc./ * Kitty.

Spet na trgu Jemaa El Fna in kobre./ Jemaa El Fna Square and the famous cobras.
Pogled na Jemoo El Fno. / * An arial view of Jemaa El Fna.
Fun fact: na tržnici v Marakešu so snemali film Sex & the city 2! V filmu se dogaja v Abu Dhabiju, dejansko pa je snemano tu v Marakešu. Tudi hotel, kjer so dame bivale v filmu se zares nahaja v Marakešu.
* Fun fact: this market is the place where Sex & the city 2 was filmed (the market scenes, which are happening in Abu Dhabi in the movie - actually they were filmed here in Marrakesh. Also, the hotel were the four ladies were staying is in Marrakesh.
Jemaa El Fna ponoči./ * Jemaa El Fna Square at night.

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