ponedeljek, 29. december 2014

Weddings of 2014 / *Poroke v 2014

Po prejšnji objavi s pregledom zaročnih fotografiranj v letu 2014 (klik tukaj) danes poglejmo še nekaj najinih najljubših fotografij, ki so bile posnete na poletnih porokah Katje in Nejca, Sabine in Joseja, Ane in Blaža, Alenke in Denisa ter Manuele in Filipa.

* After last week's review of best engagement photos of 2014 (click here) it is time to check some of our favourite wedding portraits of 2014 summer weddings: please enjoy the following wedding photos of Katja & Nejc, Sabina & Jose, Ana & Blaž, Alenka & Denis and Manuela & Filip.

Poroka Katje in Nejca se je zgodila v Hrastniku.
* Katja and Nejc got married in Hrastnik, Slovenia.
Ana in Blaž sta se poročila na Škofjeloškem gradu.
* For the wedding of Ana and Blaž we went to the Škofja Loka Castle.

Nadvse čustvena in zabavna poroka Sabine in Joseja se je zgodila v dvorcu Lambergh - Drnča.
* Sabina and Jose's emotional and fun wedding took place at the Lambergh Chateau.
Prekrasna svetloba pred sončnim zahodom ... vedno sva navdušena, ko ujamemo tako lepe zadnje sončne žarke.
* We were lucky enough to get this beautiful light before sunset - we're always thrilled when that happens.
 In nora zabava ...
* The party was crazzzy ...
Še en dvorec - dvorec Vogrsko je gostil poroko Alenke in Denisa.
* Another castle - the Vogrsko Castle was the wedding location for Alenka and Denis.
In na koncu še obisk Hrvaške - poroka Manuele in Filipa pa se je odvila v Čakovcu (ki je, btw, tudi rojstno mesto druge fotografinje na poroki, Tee :).

* And we also visited Croatia - Manuela and Filip's wedding happened in the town of Čakovec (which is by the way also the birthplace of the second shooter, Tea :)

Prekrasni pari, katerim se še enkrat najlepše zahvaljujeva, da so naju spustili tako blizu na enega najlepših dni v svojem življenju. Upava, da so tudi vam fotografije tako všeč kot nama in da se v prihodnjem letu srečamo na fotografiranju prvih obletnic!
Za leto 2015 pa si želiva še veliko takih prekrasnih porok in srčnih parov :)

* We would like to express our biggest thanks again to all those wonderful couples who were so kind to let us be a part of their most special days. We hope you enjoy the photos as much as we do and we hope we'll meet again in 2015 for your first anniversary shoots!
As for 2015 we would love to be a part of many beautiful weddings and meet more great couples :)

Poglejte še celotne objave s porok tukaj:
* Check out the entire wedding posts of these couples here:

Wedding/ Poroka, Katja + Nejc, Hrastnik
Wedding/ Poroka: Sabina + Jose, Lambergh Chateau
Wedding/ Poroka: Ana + Blaž, Škofja Loka
Wedding/Poroka: Alenka + Denis, Dvorec Vogrsko
Wedding/ Poroka: Manuela + Filip, Čakovec

Kontakt/ * Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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