četrtek, 18. december 2014

Engagements 2014 / *Zaroke 2014

V letu 2014 sva imela čast spoznati kar nekaj super parov, ki so nama zaupali fotografiranje njunih porok. Pregled najboljših poročnih fotk še prihaja, najprej pa sva izbrala nekaj najljubših fotografij z zaročnih fotografiranj. Manuela in Filip, Sabina in Jose, Katja in Nejc ter Ana in Blaž so pari, ki blestijo v tokratni objavi. Uživajte :) 

* 2014 was a great year, we had the honour to meet so many awesome couples who invited us to capture their weddings. Before we review the best wedding portraits of 2014, let's remember their engagement photoshoots. The spotlight of this post goes to Manuela & Filip, Sabina & Jose, Katja & Nejc and Ana & Blaž. Enjoy their sparkle!

Najprej se spomnimo Manuele in Filipa, s katerima smo prvi del zaročnega fotkanja izvedli v Ljubljani
* First, let's go to Ljubljana where we had the first part of Manuela&Filip's engagement shoot.
Po parku Tivoli smo zavili še v center Ljubljane./ * After the park we also visited the city centre of Ljubljana.
Manuela in Filip sta naju obiskala s Hrvaške, zato smo njun obisk izkoristili za dvojno fotografiranje in se naslednji dan odpeljali tudi v Benetke. Najbolj glamurozno in romantično zaročno fotografiranje sva prihranila za konec današnje objave, vmes pa poglejmo še v Kranj, pod Karavanke in v Preddvor.
V Kranju smo se zabavali s Sabino in Josejem, ki sta za svoje zaročno fotografiranje prišla kar iz Madrida.

* Manuela and Filip came all the was from Croatia so we had to make the best of our time together. Therefore, we had the second part of their e-shoot planned for Venice! We saved the most romantic and glamorous engagement photos for the end of today's post, so in the meantime, let's check out other places we've shot at.
We had so much fun in Kranj with Sabina and Jose, who traveled all the way from Madrid, Spain.
Celo palme smo našli v Kranju! / *We even found some palm trees in Kranj!
S Katjo in Nejcem smo se dobili v bližnjem gozdu v Goričah in na njunem sproščenem zaročnem fotkanju se nam je pridružila tudi Gaja, njuna psička.

* Katja&Nejc had their relaxed e-shoot in the nearby forest and even their dog Gaja joined us.
Katja in Nejc ravno v teh decembrskih dneh pričakujeta novega družinskega člana, poleti pa je trebušček bil še tako majhen.
* Katja and Nejc are expecting their little one in this December and we captured the tummy when it was this small in the summer.
Nejc je presenetil s pogledom pravega filmskega zvezdnika :)
* Nejc and his movie star gaze :)
V Preddvoru smo v z Ano in Blažem ujeli njune zaročne portrete.
* Ana and Blaž had their engagement portraits taken in Preddvor, Slovenia.
In kot obljubljeno, zaključujemo objavo z obiskom Benetk, kjer smo z Manuelo in Filipom preživeli pravo glamurozno ljubezensko fotografsko popoldne. Navdušena sva bila, ko sta se Manuela in Filip odločila, da kljub oddaljenosti naredita nekaj edinstvenega za svoje zaročne fotografije in Benetke so bile popolna lokacija za njune portrete.

* And as promised, we are ending this review with Venice where we spent a true glamorous love-photo afternoon with the amazing Manuela and Filip. We were thrilled when they decided to do something special for their engagement photos and chose Venice, Italy for their portraits. So exciting!
Prava modela, kot Clooney in Amal :)/ * Gorgeous models, better than Clooney and Amal!
Čudovita sta.
* Breathtaking...

Hvala Benetkam, da so tako fotogenične, upava, da se v 2015 še velikokrat vrneva tja za nove zaročne ali celo poročne portrete - vabljeni vsi sveže zaročeni :)
Velika hvala vsem najinim parom, da ste bili tako čudoviti in nama dovolili, da vas spremljava na začetku vaših skupnih poti. Pripravite se tudi na naslednjo objavo, ki pride kmalu - pogledali bomo nekaj najboljših poročnih portretov teh prekrasnih parov. Se vidimo kmalu!

*We absolutely love Venice for being such an amazing backdrop for romantic portraits, we hope to come back many times in 2015 for new engagement or even wedding portraits. Freshly engaged couples - contact us!
And also a big hug and thanks to all our couples for being so wonderful and letting us capture all those memories. Get ready for the next post that is coming soon - we will go through some of the best wedding portraits of these great couples. See you soon!

Poglejte še celotna zaročna fotografiranja teh parov tukaj.
Check out the entire engagement shoots of these couples here.

Manuela + Filip, Destination Engagement Shoot, Venice, Italy
Engagement/ Zaroka: Sabina + Jose
Engagement/ Zaroka: Katja + Nejc
Engagement/ Zaroka: Ana + Blaž
Manuela + Filip, part II, Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana, Park Tivoli
Manuela + Filip, part III, Urban Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana Center

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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