sreda, 31. december 2014

Behind the scenes 2014

Čas je še za zadnjo letošnjo objavo, ki je rezervirana za fotke iz zakulisja. Kadarkoli sva na terenu, dokumentirava tudi, kar se dogaja tam zadaj: ali testirava osvetlitev, nastavitve ali pač fotkava eden drugega v čimbolj zabavnih situacijah. Te fotke potem izločiva iz 'uradnih albumov' in jih imava za take preglede celotnega leta, ko se je prav fino spomniti vseh fotkanj preteklega leta. Uživajte!

* It is time for the last post this year which is reserved for the most fun and goofy behind-the-scenes photos of the year. Whenever we're out on a job we try to document what's happening back there: either we're testing the light, the settings or just taking pics of each other in funny situations. We remove those photos from 'official albums' of the shoot and use them for these fun reviews at the end of the year. Enjoy!

Ko smo šli v Benetke./ * That time we went to Venice...
Zaročno fotografiranje Manuele in Filipa./ * Manuela & Filip's engagement shoot.
Tudi predrago hrano smo si privoščili v Benetkah :) / * And we ate some overpriced food in Venice.
Hvala tudi Manueli za te fotke!/ * Thank you Manuela for these photos!
Priprave za fotkanje Manueline poročne obleke./ * Preparations for Manuela's wedding dress shot.
Ter za prstane./ * And the rings.
Fotk obleke ni nikoli dovolj.../ * I never get tired of shooting the wedding dress.
Me veseli.../ * Nice to meet you.
Skupinska./ * Group shot.
Takole se uštulim za fotko z ženinom :)/ * I sometimes sneak in the photo with the groom..
Lej ga Meva spodaj levo./ * Look at Mev in the bottom left corner.
Včasih dobiva celo poročne 'zadeve' (kako se že reče)./ * We even get the wedding thingies (what are they called...)
In tako lepo naju najini pari pogostijo, hamm./ * Our couples take such good care of us.
Pred poroko Manuele in Filipa./ * Before Manuela and Filip's wedding ceremony.
Mev v prvi vrsti./ * Front row seats.
Mev, nevesta in družica v parku, kako lepo :)/ * Mev, the bride and the maid of honour in the park, isn't that nice:)
Takrat ko smo v ihti na parkirišču iskali pravo fotko za zahvalnice, preden so zaprli studio za razvijanje ...
* That time when we hurried to find the right photo for the thank you cards in the parking lot before they closed the printing lab.
Z jezikom zunaj je ful lažje.../ * It's easier with your tongue out.
Pa takrat ko sva v New Yorku sledila eni fotografinji na poročnem šutu :)
* And that time when we followed a photographer on a wedding shoot in the streets of New York.
Pa romantično poročno fotkanje./ * And a romantic wedding shoot.
 Čakam na riž./ * Waiting for the rice...
Še Katja in Nejc./ * And Katja & Nejc's summer shoots.
Lejga v kadru./ * He's in my frame.
Naredte srčke./ * Make hearts!
V jarku in goščavi :)/ * In the trenches and bushes.
Naštimat treba Alenko in Denisa./ * Preparing Alenka & Denis.
Ne-ravno-navdušeni pomočnik Mev./ * Not-so-enhusiastic helper Mev.
Pa malo zimske idile za Campari ananas koktejl./ * And some winter atmosphere for Campari pineapple cocktail.
Lej, tako jo božaj po laseh - kranjsko zaročno fotkanje Sabine in Joseja.
* Brush your fingers through her hair like this... - Sabina & Jose's engagement shoot in Kranj.
Hotelsko fotkanje detajlov za poroko Sabine in Joseja v hotelu Lambergh.
* Getting detail shots for Sabina & Jose's wedding in the Lambergh hotel.
Pejte skupi - navodila po angleško-špansko.
*Get closer guys - I was giving English/Spanish directions.
Spet v prvi vrsti in v mojem kadru. / * Front row again and in my shot...

Pa obvladaj tako veliko skupino./ * Handling a big group...
Čaki, liste maš v laseh./ * Wait, leaves in your hair.
O, kuža uletu./ * Hi there doggy.
Ja, včasih tudi zapleševa z gosti./ * Yep, we sometimes dance with the guests.
Pa smo že pri koncu - še lepe pozdrave od vaših fotografov, Meva in Tee.
* And this is it - greetings from your photographers, Mev and Tea.

Še enkrat velika hvala vsem sodelujočim, upava, da se v 2015 še velikokrat srečamo in imamo skupaj tako fajn. Vsem srečno 2015!

* Again, big thanks to everybody who participated in our shoots, we hope to meet you again in 2015. Happy new year everyone!

Preverite pa še zakulisje lanskega leta. / * Check out the last year's 'Behind the scenes' here:
Behind the scenes 2013

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