torek, 8. julij 2014

The TRIP: New York City, part I.

Začetek junija je bil torej v znamenju izleta v New York. Okusnejši del izleta (torej razne fotke hrane) so objavljene na food blogu (klikni tukaj), tu spodaj pa je še nekaj bolj splošnih, mestnih, da boste lahko videli, kje sva se vse sprehajala. In večinoma sva se sprehajala, tudi po skoraj 100 ulic na dan sva prehodila (peš, z lastnimi nogami!). Hotel sva imela v Midtownu, tako da sva oglede začela tam (ja, peš).

* The beginning of June was dedicated to New York City. The tastier part of the trip (food pics) are posted on our other food blog (click here), but the photos on this site are more general, so you can check out everything we saw while walking and getting lost in the streets of New York. And boy, did we walk! Almost 100 blocks per day (on foot, using our own feet!). Our hotel was in Midtown so we started our sightseeing there.

Flatiron building.
Times Square.
Originalna vrata iz studijev Abbey road (kjer so snemali Beatli).
* Original door from the London Abbey Road Studios.
The church of rock.
Hotel Carter - baje njujorški hotel, ki je na najbolj slabem glasu v mestu.
* Carter Hotel - supposedly the most infamous NY hotel.
Bryant park.
Bank of America.
Chrysler building.
Grand Central Station.
Empire State Building.
Naslednji dan - Downtown in Bruklinski most. Čez greš lahko peš ali s kolesom, potem pa na koncu mosta takoj zaviješ dol s te poti in greš pod mostom na obrežje, kjer je park z lepim razgledom na Manhattan.
* The next day - Downtown & the Brooklyn Bridge. You can cross it on foot or by bike, turn off right at the end, go under the bridge to get to the park by the water and enjoy a great view of Manhattan.
Civic center.
The Freedom Tower.
9/11 Memorial.
Wall street!
Borza./* The Stock exchange.
Battery park.
Naslednji dan pa v Centralni park./* The next day - time for Central Park.
Stavba Dakota, kjer je živel John Lennon in vhod, kjer je bil ustreljen.
* The Dakota building - home of John Lennon and the south entrance where he was shot.
Stavba San Remo - domovanje slavnih in bogatih, med drugim Bonota iz U2 :)
* The San Remo building - home of many rich and famous, including Bono from U2.
Obe ti stavbi sta takoj ob parku, zahodna stran.
* Both buildings are right next to the park, west side.
Strawberry Fields - spomenik Johnu Lennonu.
*Strawberry Fields -  John Lennon Memorial.
A vidite rakuna ?:)
* See the raccoon ?
The Boathouse.
Love sign (6 Ave/ 55th Street).
The Halal guys - znana stojnica za dobro hitro hrano, kolona do naslednjega križišča.
* The Halal guys - well known fast food joint, the queue is really long.
Radio City Music Hall.
Rockefeller center.
Vedno, ko vidiva kako poroko, z veseljem malo opazujeva. Najbolj zanimivo pa je, da sem na poti domov, na letališču v Amsterdamu na facebooku videla blog objavo prav te poroke, ki sva jo čisto naključno srečala pri Rockefellerjevem centru in nekaj časa opazovala. Fotografinja pa je bila ena najboljših poročnih fotografinj Angelica Glass, ki ji sledim na FB (pa je nisem spoznala). Ha! Ne morš verjet...

* Whenever we see a wedding we hang around and watch a bit. The most interesting thing about this wedding at the Rockefeller centre is that on our way back home at the Amsterdam airport I saw this wedding being blogged by one of the best wedding photographers Angelica Glass who I follow on FB (and I didn't even know that was her). And we were just walking by and saw it by pure chance. How about that...
Trump tower - lahko greš noter, še Starbucks je v prvem nadstropju.
* Trump tower - you can go inside, there's even a Starbucks upstairs.
The Naked Cowboy.
Bila je ravno podelitev Tony nagrad in imeli so celo zabavo na Times Squaru. Postavijo celo rdečo preprogo, na kateri se vsak lahko fotka.

* It was the Tony Awards Sunday and there was a big viewing party at the Times Square. They even put out a red carpet for everybody to take their pictures on.
Ampaaaak ... podelitev nagrad pa je bila v dvorani Radio City in zato sva hitro odhitela tja in uspela videt kar nekaj prihajajočih zvezdnikov na rdeči preprogi.

*Buuut - the awards show was at the Radio City Hall so we rushed there and managed to see quite a few celebrities on the red carpet.

Samuel L. Jackson.
Kevin Bacon (loose, footloose, kick of the sunday shoes ...).
Lucy Liu.
Orlando Bloom!
Alicia iz E! News./* Alicia from E!News.
Audra Mcdonald - velika zmagovalka večera (v rožasto beli obleki).
* Audra Mcdonald  - the big winner of the night (red&white dress).
Spet Monk./* Monk again!
Neka novinarka./* Some journalist.
Zabavno, a./* Such fun.

Dejansko tu nikoli ne veš, koga boš čisto naključno srečal. Enkrat je mimo naju pritekel en znan igralec (Chris O'Dowd), enkrat je pred nama v nek suši plejs zavila ena starejša ameriška igralka (se ne spomnim njenega imena), en večer pa je nasproti naju po pločniku prišla Meg Ryan! MEG RYAN!! Od vseh treh imam samo fotke od zadaj (ampak jih vsaj imam :), ne moreš tam ravno v faco slikat ljudi, se ne spodobi :).

* You never know who you're going to meet here. Once we saw an American actor Chris O'Dowd jogging right next to us, then once we saw an older actress go into a sushi place (don't know her name unfortunately) and the other time we saw Meg Ryan coming down the street. I managed to snap these quick photos with my phone from the back.
 Tukaj pa stanuje Lady Gaga (40 Central Park South) - na vrhu nekje, malo naprej od Plaza hotela.
* Lady Gaga's place - somewhere on top (40 Central Park South), same street as the Plaza.

Ok, gremo naprej. Naslednji dan sva šla malo nižje, v Greenwich Village. Tole je Perry ulica, kjer je stavba, ki je bila uporabljena v seriji Sex&the City kot stanovanje Carrie Bradshaw. Za več lokacij v seriji klikni sem.
* So let's move on. The following day we went a bit south to the Greenwich Village. This is the Perry street where you can find the building used in the Sex&the City as Carrie Bradshaw's apartment. For more locations from the show click here.
Blok uporabljen v FRENDSIH (v zgornjem nadstropju naj bi v seriji živeli Monica, Rachel, Joey in Chandler :) - križišče ulic Bedford in Grove.
* Friend's apartment building (Bedford/Grove streets).
In tu čez cesto pa naj bi živel Ross :)
* And this is where Ross is supposed to live in the show - across the street.
Ravno takrat je en angleško fotograf fotkal tele stavbe za stock fotografije in me naprosil, če mu grem malo pozirat pred Rossovo stavbo. Ha, delam kot model v Njujorku :))

* An English photographer just happened to be there taking some pics for his stock photography business and he asked me to sit for him in front of Ross's building. How about that - my first modelling gig in New York :)
LA Kingsi so s Kopijem pokazali, kdo je glavni v Madison Square Gardnu.
* LA Kings with Anze Kopitar showed them who's the man at the Madison Square Garden.
Washington Square.
Kuži./ * New York dogs.
High Line Park.
Za zaključek dneva pa še pivičko z Zachom Grayem iz Zach&Jody Photography in udeleženci njegove delavnice.
* In the evening we got to hang out with Zach Gray from Zach&Jody Photography and attendees of his lightning workshop.
Da ne bo tale objava dolga kilometer, bomo tukaj zaključili in ostale fotke objavili čez kak dan v novi objavi. Pridite kmalu nazaj! Hvala in čav, Mev&Tea.

* We'll pause right here so this post doesn't get too long, but we'll be back in a day or two and show you the rest of our trip. See you really soon! Bye, Mev&Tea.

Check out our other posts:

New York City, Part II
Tasty Times in NEW YORK CITY

Mev&Tea's Epic Trips
Tea's Epic Food Adventures

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