ponedeljek, 14. julij 2014

New York City, Part II

Pa nadaljujmo zgodbo iz prejšnjega tedna, ko sva objavila nekaj fotk iz prvega dela izleta v New York (če ste ga zamudili, kliknite sem).

* Let's continue our story from last week when we posted a few photos from the first part of our NYC trip in June (in case you've missed it click here).
Najprej gremo na jug - iz Battery parka vozi ladja na otoka Liberty in Ellis. Tisto oblačno jutro se je začelo v Centralnem parku, ko sva se dobila z nekdanjim sošolcem in njegovim kolegom na kavi (šli smo v Boathouse, ampak je talepši del bil še zaprt, zato smo samo na hitro popili kapučino na drugi strani in se malo sprehodili po parku). Potem smo s taksijem odšli čisto na jug, do Battery parka (vožnja - 23$). Imeli smo srečo, ker ni bilo prevelike gneče pri vkrcavanju na ladjo (zna pa biti kolona zelo dolga, tako da pazite, da ne boste šli na ta izlet ob vikendih...). Karta je 18$, greš skozi podoben pregled kot na letališčih, potem te ladja odpelje najprej do Liberty otoka (zgoraj, na odprtem delu ladje je lep razgled na cel zaliv in fajn za fotke), od tam pa greš z drugo ladjo še do Ellis otoka (kadar ti paše, lahko ostaneš na enem ali drugem otoku, kolikor dolgo želiš, ladje vozijo pogosto). Z Ellis otoka pa greš potem nazaj na Manhattan.
* Let's go south first. You can catch a ferry from Battery Park to the Liberty and Ellis islands. We started that cloudy morning at the Central park meeting an old highschool mate and his colleague (we wanted to have some nice coffee at the Boathouse, but it was closed so we grabbed a quick cappuccino and walked through the park a bit). Then we got a cab downtown to the Battery park (23$). We lucked out because it wasn't too crowded to board the ferry, but at certain days the lines can get quite long (so don't go there during weekends). The ticket is 18$, the security check is similar to the one at the airports. The ferry takes you first to the Liberty island (there's a nice view of the bay on the top deck of the ferry and a great place for photos). From there you can go to the Ellis island whenever you want (ferries depart frequently) and from there you return to Manhattan.
Na vrh kipa svobode nisva šla, ker se je baje treba prej prijaviti po webu, čakalna doba je kar dolga, ker sprejme malo obiskovalcev.
* We did not go to the top of the Statue of Liberty, because you have to buy the tickets online in advance  and there's a long waiting list (2 months or so).
Ista karta vključuje tudi vožnjo do Ellis otoka, ki je zgodovinsko pomemben zato, ker so se na tem otoku priseljenci s svojimi kovčki najprej izkrcali in tam izvedeli, ali bodo lahko odšli v novo življenje na ameriških tleh, ali pa bodo zavrnjeni in odpotovali nazaj domov.

* The same ticket includes the journey to the Ellis island that is historically significant - it's the place where immigrants first disembarked with their suitcases and where their entrance to the USA was approved or denied.
Na tale izlet sva šla v odlični družbi - z bivšim sošolcem Stanetom, ki je ravno takrat bil poslovno v NY in njegovim kolegom Kennethom. Živjo fanta :)
* We took this trip with some great company - an old highschool mate Stane and his business partner Kenneth. Hey guys!
Po vrnitvi na kopno pa spet malo okoli po Downtownu (peš seveda).
* Return to the mainland - some more walking through Downtown.
In zopet na najboljšo pico na svetu - A Slice of Naples je kraj, ki ga ne smete zamuditi, če boste kdaj tu. Prijazno nama je poziral Filip iz Valjeva, ki dela v tej piceriji in prav fino sva se imela v njegovi družbi. Čao Filip (če bereš tole, nama pošlji kak e-mail!).

* And a visit to 'A Slice of Naples' - the place with the best pizza ever, a must if you're in NY. We had a nice conversation with Filip from Serbia who works here - hey Filip (send us an email if you're reading this!).
Še enkrat ponavljam - tole je najboljša pica, kar sem jo kadarkoli jedla (=Tea), Mev se približno strinja, ker nima pojma o pici ...
* I repeat - this is the best pizza I've ever had (=Tea); Mev sort of agrees, but what does he know about pizza ...
In še lastnik te picerije in italijanske restavracije Forcella, štirikratni svetovni pravak v peki pic Giulio Adriani (za celotno zgodbo in še več fotk, ki sva jih naredila v tej piceriji, kliknite sem na food blog Tocka's Tasty Times).

* And this is the owner of this awesome place, an Italian restaurant and pizzeria Forcella - a 4-time world pizza baking champion Giulio Adriani (for the whole story about this meeting and more photos click here to our food blog Tocka's Tasty Times).
Okoli po East Village./ * Wondering through the streets of East Village.
Priprave na snemanje nekega filma - tako je v NY, povsod nekaj snemajo, nikoli ne veš na kako zanimivo reč boš naletel.

* The set of some movie - that's what it's like here, you never know what you're going to run into.
Smešen kuža, na desni strani pa je hiša, katere lastnik je David Schwimmer - Ross iz Frendsov.
* A funny dog and a building whose owner is David Schwimmer - Ross from Friends.
Tole je na jugu, South Street Seaport. Sem sva šla kupiti vstopnice za brodvejsko predstavo. V prodajalnah TKTS lahko kupiš znižane vstopnice za predstave na Brodwayu za isti večer, prodajajo tiste, ki so jim ostale in so zato znižane ok. 30-40%. Ena prodajalna je tudi na Times Squaru, ampak je tam vedno dolga vrsta in manjša izbira, tako da priporočam tole lokacijo v downtownu, če boste ravno tukaj. Nahaja se malo v notranjost, nasproti tega pristanišča, vogal med Front in John Street. Odločila sva se za musical Rock of Ages, okoli 60$ za 1 vstopnico.

* Going back to the south, this is South Street Seaport where we bought tickets for a Broadway show. In the TKTS booths you can buy discounted tickets for all kinds of Broadway shows for the same night; they sell what's left and they're reduced by 30-40%. There's also a ticket booth on Times Square but the lines are much longer, so if you're already here in downtown, get your tickets here. The booth is opposite this pier, a bit inland, corner of Front and John Street. We chose the show Rock of Ages, about 60$ per ticket.
Rock of Ages - super izbira za ljubitelje rock muske, kot na koncertu.
* Rock of Ages - awesome choice for rock music lovers, just like a concert.
Theatre District.

Od norega Times Squara do Marije v Harlemu naslednje jutro.
* From the crazy nights at the Times Square to Mary in Harlem the next morning.
Le malo višje od Centralnega parka čisto drug svet, popolnoma drugačne ulice, ljudje, trgovine, nič več navite klime, nobene fensarije. Do 125. ulice sva šla s podzemno, potem pa tisti dan na cik-cak prepešačila pol otoka do hotela na 32. ulici.

* A few blocks higher from the Central Park a completely different world; different streets, people, stores, no more air conditioning, none of the fancy stuff. We took the Subway to the 125th street and then walked all day down to our hotel at the 32nd street.
Znano gledališče Apollo, kjer so nastopali vsi pomembni temnopolti izvajalci (od Billie Holiday, Jamesa Browna, do Usherja...).

* The famous Apollo theatre where all the significant African-American performers took the stage (from  Billie Holiday, James Brown, to Usher ...).
Iz Harlema v Centralni park na en fajn popoldanski piknik.
* From Harlem to the Central Park for an awesome afternoon picnic.
Guggenheim muzej./* The Guggenheim Museum.
Park pred nevihto./* The park before the storm.
Park med nevihto - čakanje, da mine pod mostom./* The park during the storm - waiting under the bridge.
Columbus Circle na južnem delu parka./* Columbus Circle at the south corner of the Central Park.
Tole je pogled iz zgornjega nadstropja trgovskega centra Columbus Circle - eden redkih krajev, kjer si lahko park in ulice ogledaš od zgoraj, brezplačno.

* You can find this view from the top floor of the Columbus Circle shopping mall - one of the rare places where you can get a nice view of the park and adjacent streets from above - for free.
Pa spet do Rockefeller centra./* Again at the Rockefeller center.
V soboto pa spet na jug na posebno dogodivščino.
* And a new adventure on Saturday.
Vožnjo s helikopterjem, wiiii!
* A helicopter ride!
Traja okoli 15 min, peljejo te po južnem delu zaliva, nad kipom Svobode, po Hudson river do Centralnega parka in nazaj.
* It lasts about 15 min, they take you above the south part of the bay, above the statue of Liberty, over the Hudson river to the Central Park and back.
 Se počutiš kot Donald Trump :)
* Travelling like Donald Trump.
Central Park.
 Hudson River.

Spet na tleh - tale stolpnica je noro zanimiva - vijugasta metalna fasada, vijuge so dejansko balkoni, pa ful visoka. A lahko živim tuki?
* On the solid ground again; this building is so amazing - wavy metal facade, those waves are actually balconies and it's so high. I wanna live here.
 Kužek./ * Cute dog.
China town.
In tamala Italija./ * And into Little Italy.
Več o teh najboljših kanolih si oglejte tukaj :) In obvezno jih poskusite, če boste kdaj v bližini - Caffe Palermo, Little Italy, 148 Mulberry Street.

* For the whole story about these wonderful cannoli click here. A definite must if you're ever here - Caffe Palermo, Little Italy, 148 Mulberry Street.
Iz Little Italy sva hitela v Midtown na Empire State Building (karte nabavila že doma pred odhodom po internetu, vstopnica pa velja eno leto od nakupa in greš gor kadar želiš - midva sva hotela iti pred sončnim zahodom, da vidiva NY od zgoraj podnevi in ponoči). P.S: ne hodite gor med vikendom, čakaš v koloni uro ali še več...

* We rushed to Midtown from the Little Italy to get to the Empire State Building (we got the tickets online at home, they are valid for a year from the date of purchase, you can go up whenever you want - we wanted to see the city from above during daylight and at night so we went before sunset). P.S: don't go there during weekends, you'll wait in lines for an hour or more...

Šla sva tudi na Top deck - vidiš mesto še bolj od zgoraj, ampak je vse za šipo.
* We also went to the Top deck - it's a better view because you are higher, but it's all behind the windows.
Terase na vrhu blokov in cel kup kulskih zabav./ * Rooftops with all those awesome parties.
In še največjo luno so si zrihtali. Resno, take ogromne lune nisva videla še nikoli, kot ena ogromna bunka je bila.
* Supermoon. We've never seen a moon this big. It was frikin huge.
In the city of blinding lights #u2.
Zadnja nedelja pa je ostala še za Brooklyn, tole je predel Williamsburg - središče hipsterjev.
* And the last Sunday before going back home - time for Brooklyn, this is Williamsburg- the center of hipsters.
Vse skulirano, na izi, ob vikendih polno prireditev, koncertov, bolšjih sejmov...
* Everything is so cool, so many concerts, flea markets, happenings during the weekends...
Odličen pogled na Manhattan./* Great view of Manhattan.
Do Williamsburga greš lahko s podzemno, vlak N, ali pa kar peš ali s kolesom čez Williamsburg most.
* You can take the Subway to Williamsburg, train N, or you can walk or bike over the Williamsburg bridge.

Popoldne pa sva šla na še en vodni izlet, in sicer na Staten Island Ferry. Tale trajekt je brezplačen, ZASTONJ in ladja vozi na vsakih 30 minut. Vožnja od Manhattna do otoka Staten traja ok. pol ure, vmes lepo vidiš celoten južni zaliv in kip Svobode in vse to popolnoma zastonj. Tako da če nimaš časa za pravi obisk otoka Liberty, je tole odlična priložnost, da v eni uri vidiš kip Svobode precej od blizu, dvakrat (ob prihodu na otok Staten greš samo na drug trajekt za nazaj in se po isti poti vrneš na Manhattan). Zastonj! Pa še zastonj wi-fi imajo v pristanišču. Lepo od njih.
* That afternoon we went on another water trip, we took the Staten Island Ferry. This ferry is completely free of charge, there's a ferry every half an hour. The journey from Manhattan to the Staten Island takes about 30 minutes and you can get a nice view of the southern part of the bay and the statue of Liberty and it's all completely free!
So if you're in a time crunch this is a great way to see the statue pretty close twice in just an hour (when you get to the Staten Island just go to the other ferry that takes you right back to Manhattan). Yes, free of charge. And there's free wi-fi at the port. Awesome.

Sončni zahod na zahodni strani južnega dela je čudovit, sonce zaide za New Jerseyjem.
* The sunset at the southern part of Manhattan is stunning, the sun sets just over New Jersey.
In odpešačila sva domov./ * And we walked home again.
To je to, adijo NY, se vidimo spet kmalu (kar naslednji mesec, bi šlo? :)
* That's it. Bye bye New York, see you soon (next month maybe?).

Če ste zamudili prvi del opisa izleta v NY kliknite sem, če pa vas zanima, kaj sva jedla, kliknite sem.
Hvala, da ste si vzeli čas za branje, za vsa vprašanja naju kar kontaktirajte.

* If you've missed Part I of our NYC trip click here. If you're interested in what was on our plates click here for some food. Thanx for reading and if you have any questions, just ask away :)

The TRIP: New York City, part I.
Tasty Times in NEW YORK CITY

Mev&Tea's Epic Trips
Tea's Epic Food Adventures

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