nedelja, 8. maj 2016


Tokrat objavljava fotke iz potovanja na karibsko otočje Turks in Caicos, opise in več informacij pa najdete na najinem drugem blogu tukaj. Uživajte v fotkah in si predstavljajte, da ste tam :)
* Today we're finally posting our photos from our trip to the Turks&Caicos Islands. You can fin more information and our descriptions about the trip on our other blog here. Enjoy the photos and you can dream you're there :)

GRACE BAY BEACH: velikokrat izbrana za najboljšo plažo na svetu/ * voted world's best beach many times
 Edina farma conchkov na svetu./ * The only CONCH farm in the world.

 Mangrove/  * mangroves.
Ogromno slik, ampak res ne moreš nehat :) / * I know, loads of photos, but you just can't stop.
Karibsko kosilo na plaži pod palmami v gostilni Conch shack - nebeško./ * Caribbean lunch on the beach under the palm trees - heaven...
Četrtkova otoška zabava - Fish Fry. / * Thursday island party - Fish Fry.

Tale gospod dela conch solato. / *He's making some conch salad.

Toliko o čudovitih Turks in Caicos, v nasledni objavi pa Miami. Tole spodaj sta dve fotki z Miami Beach za pokušino. 

* So, this was the wonderful Turks & Caicos, next time we're posting photos from Miami. These two photos below are from Miami Beach.
Hvala za obisk, poglejte pa še objave na drugem blogu:
* Thanx for visiting, check out our posts from the other blog:

Tasty Times in MIAMI
Tasty Times in LAS VEGAS
Tasty Times in NEW YORK CITY

Bye bye, Mev & Tea :)


Prosim, preberite še mojo dobrodelno objavo za omogočanje študija kenijskega dečka Kelvina. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste že podprli mojo akcijo!
*** Please read and share my charity post and support my efforts to give a Kenyan boy Kelvin a chance for education. Thank you so much to all of you who have already supported me and helped raise funds!

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