torek, 31. maj 2016

Bienvenido a MIAMI!

Danes pa nekaj fotk iz Miamija, kjer sva bila en teden v marcu. Sem sva priletela iz Turksov (poglej fotke iz Turks&Caicos tukaj). Fotke so v glavnem iz downtowna, Miami beacha, South beacha in vmes. Everglades in Key West pa pridejo na vrsto naslednjič.
Več koristnih informacij o potovanju in bivanju lahko dobite v tej objavi: TASTY TIMES IN MIAMI
Zdaj pa Mevove fotke.

* Today we're posting a few photos from Miami, where we spent a week in March. We flew to Miami from Turks&Caicos (see the photos from the paradise here). The photos from Miami are mainly from downtown, Miami beach - South beach and in between :) You can see more useful tips about the trip on our other blog here: TASTY TIMES IN MIAMI.

Miami beach:
American Airlines Arena, kjer sva pol ure čakala, da sva lahko slikala fotko od Dragiča na tem velikem ekranu :) Pa potem, da sva slikala Meva s sliko od Dragiča, pa pol s sliko od Dwayna Wada, pol pa še mene... cel kup deva.

* The American Airlines Arena, where we waited for half an hour to take a picture of Goran Dragič on the big screen. and then we had to take a pic of Mev standing next to Dragič, and then next to Dwayne Wade...
Gogiiiii! Tole tekmo so zmagal (naslednje pa ne). / * The Miami Heat won this game, but not the next one.
 Srečen./ * Happy.
Spet na Miami beach - ponoči je glavno dogajanje na OCEAN DRIVU. Ja, tole zgoraj je štacuna DASH od Kardašijank, itak sm se mogla slikat zraven. Pa havajanke so se mi strgale ravno ta večer med šetnjo in so na srečo štacune tu odprte dolgo v noč, tako da imam na tej sliki že nove (se še tko svetijo).

* Back to Miami Beach: this it the main place to be at night, especially the OCEAN DRIVE. And yes, I did take a picture in front of the Dash store... And my havaianas tore that night and luckily Miami beach is full of stores open late at night. The ones on the photo ore shiny new :)
OCEAN DRIVE. Poln barov, frajerjev z makinami in policije. / * Full of bars, show-offs with fany cars and police.

Temu predelu Miami beacha se reče ART DECO DISCTRICT.
Znana kubanska ulica CALLE OCHO. / * The famous cuban street CALLE OCHO.
Pa še malo podnevi na Miami beach med te luksuzne hotele.
 Plaža in ležalke od Ritz Carltona./ * Ritz Carlton's beach and sunbeds.

SOUTH BEACH je najjužnejši del Miami beacha.
Tole spodaj pa je hiša od GIANNI VERSACEJA, kjer je bil tudi ustreljen (na stopnicah, medtem, ko je eno jutro šel po časopis). Zdaj je ta hiša hotel in restavracija.
* That is GIANNI VERSACE's house, he was shot on these stairs one morning while getting his paper. It is now a hotel and a restaurant.
Tudi sredi dneva so take plesalke v barih ob glavni ulici Ocean Drive.
* Nice entertainment in bars, even during the day.
Tak park s palmami je še vmes med ulico Ocean Drive (kjer so taglavni lokali) in plažo South beach. Tu je center dogajanja, še posebej ponoči.
* The palm tree park between Ocean drive and the beach. This is where it's all happening.
Tudi v luksuznih hotelih se med spring bejkom po cele dneve dogajajo taki privatni žuri.
* Full of nice hotels with their private parties.
 Predel Miamija Coconut grove - Cocowalk je znano nakupovalno središče:
* Coconut grove and it's shopping centre COCOWALK.
Downtown, Bayside - predel ob morju, kjer je tudi American Airlines Arena (dvorana Miami Heatov).
* Downtown, Bayside.
 Z ladjico sva šla na izlet med downtownom in Miami beachom - voziš se med umetno narejenimi otoki.
* We took a boat trip between downtown and Miami beach among the man made islands.
 Ti kanali so prostor za vile znanih in bogatih./ * These channels are full of villas that belong to the rich and famous.
Mali otoček s palmami. / *A little island with palm trees.
 V tej beli hiši spodaj s kupolo je včasih živel RICKY MARTIN. Livin la vida loca.
* This white house with a dome used to belong to RICKY MARTIN. Livin la vida loca.
Tole spodaj je hiša izumitelja viagre. Vsaka palma je uvožena iz Afrike in ena košta, ne vem, več kot 10 tisoč $ ... (te domače floridske palme izgleda niso bile dost fensi). Na tem ogromnem posestvu pa baje ta gospod živi sam s svojo ženo.
* This house blow belong to the inventor of viagra. Each palm tree is imported from Africa and is worth more than 10K$.
Tudi neka znana bajta, ne spomnem se več od koga :) Po moje, da tole najemajo znani za razne videospote ali počitnice (Shakira, Usher...) in reality showe ...
This house belong is also known for something. I think they hire it for videos and reality shows...
 Tale rdeča je po moje od Shaquilla O'Nealla./ * The red house: Shaquille O'Nealle's
Za temi palmami se skriva P. Diddy (Paff Daddy/ Sean Combs, al kva je že, bivši od JLo).
P. Diddy is hiding behind these palm trees below.

 Tale bež hiša (ali pa še bolj spodnja, rumena, ne spomnem se) je od Willa Smitha:
This next beige one (or the one below, I'm not sure anymore) belongs to Will Smith.
Tole spodaj je 'bachelor pad' JULIA IGLESIASA, kamor je vozil baje cel kup dam... Je pa že prodal tole bajto, tko da Enriqueja verjetno ne bomo videli tuki :).
* The white stunner below used to belong to JULIO IGLESIAS.
Tale kvadratna spodaj mi je huda :) No, jest bi kr tole:
* Well, I do like this white square one below. Can I just move in?
DAVID BECKHAM, hello - tale spodaj s tole belo jahto. Vodič je rekel, da so ga kak dan nazaj videli tukaj na bazenu...
This one below with the yacht - DAVID BECKHAM's. The guide said they saw him by the pool a few days ago.

Miami beach z druge strani. Tole je ena od jaht lastnika MIAMI HEATOV (basketaši so to, a veš Gogi :).
* This is Miami beach from the other side. This is one of the yachts that belong to the owner of MIAMI HEAT.
FISHER ISLAND: tole je otok, na katerega ne moremo priti z avtom, ker ni ceste, torej lahko pridete samo s helikopterjem in jahtami. Aja, pa stanovanja v tem bloku spodaj imajo seveda sami šmeksi: Tom Cruise, JLo, Sofia Vergara ipd.
* FISHER ISLAND: you can't get to this island by car, there are no roads. You can use the helicopter or your yacht... And this is the apartment building where famous people have their condos: Tom Cruise, JLo, Sofia Vergara, ...
 Naprej je potem še pristanišče in industrija./ *Some industrial parts are next.
 Potem pa pridemo nazaj do downtowna./ * And back to downtown.
En fajn vegi burger v Baysidu./ * A nice vegi burger at the Bayside.
Ravno tisti vikend se je začel najbolj znan festival elektronske glasbe, Ultra, kamor pride milijon obiskovalcev. Noro, koliko folka je to bilo. In vse se dogaja v tem predelu ob obali downtowna, Bayside parku.
* The Ultra festival (electronic music) was happening at the Bayside park that weekend with around 1 mio visitors. 
 Fajn so to napravleni : ) / * Nice outfits :)
Potem sva šla malo peš malo nižje, proti predelu Brickell.
* We walked slowly towards Brickell.
 Lamborđine. Vidiš jih povsod, v vsaki ulici, pred vsakim fensi hotelom...
* Jep, you can see lamborginis of front of every nice hotel.
Dvižni most tam zadaj. / * Lift bridge back there.
Avijoni ful nizko preletavajo mesto non stop, na vsakih par minut, ker je letališče zelo blizu, par km iz centra.
* The planes are flying really low over the cityevery few minutes, because the airport is just a few km outside the centre.
 Ultra festival.
Najdla sva tudi dostop do enega od mostov (pri Arsht centru), s katerga sva hotela narest nekaj takih nočnih fotk stoplnic downtowna od daleč.
* We managed to find access to the bridge for pedestirans (near the Arsht centre) so we could take a few night pics of downtown.
Kot v filmu (na primer RIDE ALONG 2 - če boste gledali ta film, boste videli vse glavne znamenitosti Miamija :).
* Just like a movie  - e.g., if you'd like to see all the main Miami attractions, watch RIDE ALONG 2.
 Ja vem, sto slik./ * I know, a million pictures, couldn't stop.
Zadnji dan pa sva pred odhodom na letališče obiskala še posestvo VIZCAYA, nekdanji dom nekega bogatega industrijalca:
* And here's the last day of our trip. Before heading to the airport, we visited the VIZCAYA estate, a former home of a wealthy industrial man.

 Kot v Benetkah./ * Looks like Venice.
 Pa ful porok imajo v tem parku pred hišo in seveda smo slikali, Mev je splezal še nekam gor med grmovje ... :)
* And there are plenty actual weddings happening in front of visitors, so of course Mev took a few photos.
In še ena iguana za konec tega norega tedna v Miamiju. Naslednjič pa objaviva še nekaj fotk iz VEGASA in še dveh floridskih izletov v Everglades in na Key West.
* And one last iguana to conclude this crazy week in MIAMI. Next time we'll post a few pics from LAS VEGAS and from our two Florida trips to the EVERGLADES and hte KEYS - down to KEY WEST.

Hvala za obisk, poglejte pa druge še objave:
* Thanx for visiting, check out our other posts:

Tasty Times in MIAMI
Tasty Times in LAS VEGAS
Tasty Times in NEW YORK CITY

Bye bye, Mev & Tea :)


Prosim, preberite še mojo dobrodelno objavo za omogočanje študija kenijskega dečka Kelvina. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste že podprli mojo akcijo!

*** Please read and share my charity post and support my efforts to give a Kenyan boy Kelvin a chance for education. Thank you so much to all of you who have already supported me and helped raise funds!

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