sreda, 24. avgust 2016

Tina & Matej: engagement/ zaroka

V Kranju in bližnjem gozdu smo se zadnjič dobili s Tino in Matejem, ki se bosta poročila septembra. Najprej smo naredili nekaj lušnih mestnih fotk v centru mesta in tam za lepo ozadje izkoristili zelo lepo urejeno Tomšičevo ulico in grad Khiselstein. Po menjavi outfita pa se odpeljali še v gozd, kjer so nastale prav lepe sproščene fotke v naravi. 
Tina in Matej pa sta bila prav krasna modela, taka, zaradi katerih nama je zaročno fotkanje tako pri srcu: luštna, fotogenična, vsaka njuna poza je bila čisto naravna in sproščena, brez pretiranih navodil. Uživajte v fotkah!

* We met with Tina and Matej the other day to get some engagement photos. They are getting married in September. We got some great city shots and had a wonderful street backdrop. After the outfit change we drove to the nearby forest and got a few natural portraits.
Tina and Matej were the best models, the kind that make us love the engagement photography so much: lovely, photogenic, every pose seemed so natural and relaxed, no real posing was even needed. Just perfect. So enjoy their session!
Res sta kul. In luštna! / * They really are so great and cute.
Lepe modre oči. / *Woderful blue eyes.

Še sladoled smo si privoščili :)/ *We even had some great props, like ice cream.
Krasna ulica. / * What a wonderful street.
So cute.
Vsaka fotka je tko fajn :)/ *  Every single photo is great.
Hvala Tini in Mateju za krasno fotkanje, se vidimo na poroki :)
* A big thank you to Tina and Matej, and we can't wait for the wedding!

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886
Mev & Tea


Poroke/ Weddings

Zaroke/ Engagements 

Stock photos - Shutterstock

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