četrtek, 28. avgust 2014

Wedding/ Poroka: Ana + Blaž, Škofja Loka

Poroka Ane in Blaža se je zgodila na sredino popoldne na Loškem gradu. Ob prihodu nas je pričakal močan dež, ki pa je po obredu na srečo ponehal, tako da smo lahko izkoristili vse lepote grajske okolice.

* Ana and Blaž's wedding took place on a Wednesday afternoon at the Škofla Loka Castle. We were greeted by heavy rain when we arrived, but luckily the rain stopped after the ceremony, so we could take advantage of all the beautiful spots around the castle.

Vreme je po obredu zdržalo še ravno toliko časa, da smo z mladoporočencema opravili en lep fotošut. Škofjeloški grad je služil kot odlična lokacija, res polno lepih, urejenih kotičkov, kjer smo ustvarili spodnje portrete in prav vesela sva, da sta si Ana in Blaž vzela dovolj časa zanje, medtem ko so gostje uživali v kozarčku penine.

* The weather allowed us to have their portrait session outside and the Loka castle provided a wonderful backdrop for all their portraits. We were so happy that Ana and Blaž took enough time for these portraits while their guests enjoyed a glass of some sparkling wine at the cocktail hour.

Še enkrat hvala Ani in Blažu ter srečno :)

* Ana & Blaž - thank you again for letting us be a part of your wedding day and all the best!

Engagement/ Zaroka: Ana + Blaž

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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