ponedeljek, 11. avgust 2014

Manuela + Filip, part III, Urban Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana Center

Za objavo tretjega dela zaročnega šuta Manuele in Filipa sva malo počakala, da se datum njune poroke približa in zdaj je pravi čas, da vam zaupava še te prekrasne fotke, ki so nastale že maja. Po glamuroznih Benetkah (klik tukaj) in romantičnem parku Tivoli (klik tukaj) je tu še serija fotk iz centra Ljubljane, ki imajo bolj urbani look. Modela pa sta kot vedno prekrasna. Uživajte :)

* We deliberately waited to post the third part of Manuela&Filip's engagement shoot and now with their wedding date getting closer it's the right time to share these photos that we took in May. After the glamorous Venice e-shoot (click here) and romantic Tivoli Park shoot (click here) here are the more urban style photos that we took in the center of Ljubljana. The models were amazing, as always, so I hope you enjoy the photos below.
Aahh, kolk sta kjut./ * They're sooo cute!
Ljubljana je tako kul./ * Ljubljana is so cool.
 Tudi malicali smo :) / * Snack time.
Še enkrat lepa hvala Manueli in Filipu za vse te lepe trenutke. Zdaj pa res že komaj čakava na njuno poroko, ki se bo zgodila konec avgusta. Pridite nazaj za ogled njunih poročnih fotk, ki bodo zagotovo čudovite.

* Thanx again to Manuela and Filip for all these wonderful moments. Now we can really hardly wait for their wedding day at the end of August. Check back for their wedding pics which we're sure will be amazing.

Manuela + Filip, Destination Engagement Shoot, Venice, Italy
Manuela + Filip, part II, Engagement Shoot, Ljubljana, Park Tivoli 

Kontakt/* Contact us:
00386 31 865 886

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