četrtek, 24. april 2014

Mev & Tea

Zadnjič v nedeljo sva se spet sprehajala s Faretom (največja pasja faca, kar poglejte ga tukaj) in občudovala cvetoče češnje. Tako so naju prevzele, da sva se po kosilu na hitro odločila, da greva spet tja, brez Fareta, ampak s fotkičem. Jaz sem si naredila še malo frizurce, pa make-up in dala gor eno novo obleko, Mev pa je bil sprva mišljen samo kot fotograf, ampak sva na koncu naredila še nekaj njegovih portretov (je treba pač izkoristiti tako lepo ozadje). Vzela sva še 'novega' analognega Nikona FM2, ravno toliko, da je na fotkah še en fotografski rekvizit in imava lahko te fotke kar za predstavitvene portrete :)
* Last Sunday we spent the morning walking with Fare at our usual place (Fare is the funniest dog, check him out here) and we noticed all the cherry trees in blossom. We were so impressed we decided to go back after lunch, without Fare but we took our camera. I even fixed my hair a bit, put a nice new dress and some make-up on. Mev was meant to be only the photohrapher at first, but you know you're going to want to take at least a few photos with such a gorgeous backdrop that just screams for some portraits. We took our 'new' analog Nikon FM2 to have at least one photo prop in the photos so we can sort of call these pics our official photo portraits :).


Se vidimo na vašem fotkanju, super bo :). Mev & Tea.
* See you on your shoot, it's gonna be awesome :). Mev & Tea.


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