Santorini je po vsem svetu znan kot idiličen kraj za poroke. Na najinem poletnem potovanju sva kar nekaj porok tudi videla (poročilo s potovanja lahko preberete tukaj), še bolj pa se nama je zdelo zanimivo naslednje dejstvo: veliko parov s Kitajske in Japonske po poroki doma pride na poročno potovanje na Santorini, s seboj prinesejo svoje poročne obleke in imajo potem prave fotošute v teh neverjetno fotogeničnih krajih. Na spodnjih fotografijah lahko vidite kakšno prekrasno kuliso nudi mesto Oia.
*** Santorini is known throughout the world as one of the top wedding destinations. We were able to see quite a few real weddings during our summer trip there (you can read the report here), however what was even more interesting was the fact that a lot of couples from China and Japan come here after their weddings at home for their honeymoons, they bring their wedding gowns and have real photoshoots in these unbelievably photogenic places. In the photos below you can see what an incredible setting is available in the town of Oia.
Ponavadi so glavne na fotkah neveste, ki se zgodaj zjutraj, pred prihodom turistov, ali pa zvečer po sončnem zahodu, nastavljajo pred objektivi svojih izbrancev. Bolj organizirani pari pa imajo s seboj svojega pravega fotografa. Vsekakor pa so ti prizori zabavni za vse mimoidoče, ki seveda tudi radi pofotkajo mlade pare. Tako sva tudi midva ujela kar nekaj parov, z enim sva se celo dogovorila za nekaj skupnih portretov na vrhu Oie.
Prvi par pa sta Fei (ženin) in Rui (prečudovita nevesta) iz Kitajske (China Yunnan Kunming).
*** Brides are usually the main stars of those shoots. Early in the morning, before tourist masses arrive or after sunset, they pose for their grooms and their big cameras. Some couples even bring their own professional photographers. These scenes are also very interesting to tourists who also love to snap a few photos of happy couples. We managed to get a few couples as well, there was even one couple who let us take a few of their portraits together, so we had a real impromptu mini shoot on the roofs of Oia.
That first couple were Fei (the groom) and Rui (the beautiful bride) from China (Yunnan Kunming).
Fei in Rui sta se poročila 3 mesece pred tem poročnim potovanjem, na katerem sta poleg Santorinija obiskala še Barcelono.
*** Fei and Rui got married 3 months before this honeymoon (they traveled to Santorini and Barcelona).
Zvečer sva ujela še ta privlačen par./ *** We caught this stunning couple at sunset.
In še midva :). / *** And yours truly :)
Če pa sva kak par s to objavo prepričala, da je Santorini vajin sanjski kraj za poroko, vama sporočava, da z veseljem spet odpotujeva tja in ujameva trenutke vajine ljubezni :)
*** So, if this post convinced anybody to consider Santorini as your wedding destination, we would like you to know, that we'd love to travel there again with you and capture those magical moments of your love :) Let us know.
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