torek, 15. oktober 2013

Idilični Karpatos / Pristine Karpathos

Grška zgodba letošnjega leta se je po junijskem Santoriniju (ki paše med Kiklade; reportaža s fotkami je tukaj) konec septembra nadaljevala na Karpatosu (ki pa spada med Dodekaneze). Prava izbira za ljubitelje čistega, modrega morja, lepih plaž in mirnih počitnic (takole pozno v sezoni sva imela velik kos plaže in morja vsak dan samo zase, kar je bilo zelo zaželeno po avgustovskem drenjanju v obalnem Kvarnerju).
Tole je bil razgled z najinega balkona v hotelu - kraj Amopi.
After Santorini island (Cyclades; read the report here) in June our Greek story continued in late September in Karpathos (Dodecanese islands). A great choice for fans of clear blue sea, gorgeous beaches and peaceful vacation (this late in season we were almost alone at the beaches).
So, this was the view from our hotel balcony - the village of Amopi.
Avto sva spet najela za cel teden in prvi dan je bila na vrsti plaža Diakoftis, kjer je mivka takoj ob vodi neverjetne roza barve. Plaža se nahaja čisto na jugu otoka, do nje vodi makadamska cesta, potrebno pa se je peljati vse okoli letalske steze (nad plažo je namreč letališče in med uživanjem na roza pesku lahko opazuješ pristajanje letal).
*** We rented a car for the whole week and the very first day drove to the Diakoftis beach that has an unbeliavable pink sand. It is located at the very south of the island, you have to drive all around the airport on a dirt road (so while you're enjoying the blue water and pink sand you can also watch planes landing).
Voda je izredno lepe, nežne modre barve, če je bolj vetrovno pa malo potegne na zeleno.
*** The water is incredibly pure and soft blue colour, if it's a bit more windy it can get a slight green hue.
Popoldanski pogled na plažo Agios Theodoros na zahodnem delu otoka (tu naj bi bila neka zdravilna glina, a ne vem, midva nisva našla nobene gline :).
***We spent our afternoon on the west side of the island - the beach Agios Theodoros (there was supposed to be some clay with healing powers here, but we didn't find it.)
Naslednji dan - plaža, ki je bila leta 2003 izbrana za najlepšo plažo Sredozemlja - Apella, na vzhodnem delu otoka. Do nje prideš po asfaltirani cestici, na koncu je bolj malo parkirnega prostora, tako da treba biti zgoden, do plaže pa je še kratka potka, kjer greš lahko samo peš. Plaža je kar dolga, prostora in naravne sence je dovolj (na veliko Mevovo veselje), še posebej v tem času, ko res ni veliko turistov.
The next day - the best beach of the Mediterranean of 2003 - Apella beach, on the east side of the island. There is a narrow asphalt road that leads to it from the main road above, with a very tiny parking space at the end (so arrive early) and a short dirt path to walk down to the beach. The beach is long, with lots of space and natural pine shadow (that brought great joy to Mev), particularly this late is season.
Za tisto skalo na desni strani se skriva še drugi del plaže./ There's another part of the beach over that big rock on the right.
Z Apelle, kjer je kasneje popoldne že senca, sva se odpravila na sever otoka, v tradicionalno vasico Olympos. V vasi sva bila skorajda sama z nekaj domačini, prišla sva ravno ob pravem času, da sva na zahodni strani lahko opazovala prelep sončen zahod, ki naju je takoj spomnil na Oio na Santoriniju.
*** There was shadow at Apella in the late afternoon, so we drove to the north of the island, to the traditional village of Olympos. We were almost alone there with a few locals and we got there at the perfect time to see the sunset from the west side of the hill. That sunset remided us of the more popular one in Oia, Santorini.
Olympos se res lahko primerja z Oio in ostalimi santorinškimi vasicami - le če bi čas zavrteli za 30, 40 let nazaj. Podobne hišice, razporeditev, barve, lokacija, le da so na Santoriniju vse obnovili ter usmerili otok v monden turizem, na Karpatosu pa ostajajo tradicionalni, prvinski in ga želijo obdržati zase. V videu spodaj lahko na začetku vidite, kako je sončni zahod v Oii spektakel za gledalce, na koncu so prave ovacije, v Olymposu pa sva pri tejle cerkvici na koncu vasi, ki se nama je zdela najlepša točka za opazovanje sončnega zahoda, bila čisto sama, daleč naokoli niti žive duše (razen kakšne mačje ali pasje).
*** Olympos is very similar to Oia and other Santorini villages, but as they were 30 to 40 years ago. Similar little houses, layout of the village, blue and white colours. The difference is that Santorini is renovated and very much oriented into the cosmopolitan tourism while Karpathos stays traditional, pristine and you can see the locals want to keep it for themselves. In the beginning of the video below you can see what kind of spectacle for viewers the sunset in Oia is every evening, however in Olympos we were all alone at the end of the village by this cute church (except for some feline and canine souls).

Gremo naprej, naslednji dan je bila na vrsti plaža Achata, tudi na vzhodnem delu otoka, s kristalno čisto vodo.
*** Moving on, the next day it was time for the Achata beach, on the east side, with crystal clear water.
Popoldne po Achati pa spet na zahodni del, v vasico Mesochori.
*** In the afternoon after Achata we drove to the west side to catch the sunset at the Mesochori village. 
Načrte za obisk tretje znane plaže na vzhodni obali je vmes spremenil oblačen dan, tako da sva se takrat odpravila na vožnjo po vseh ozkih cestah po otoku, na katere v sončnem vremenu verjetno ne bi zavila. Tale cerkvica je nad Pigadio, glavnim mestom.
*** Our plans to visit the third famous east-side beach were changed by a cloudy and windy day, so were drove around the island into narrow roads that we never would had seen if the weather was nicer. This church is located above the capital Pigadia.
Nekaj ostankov zgodnje krščanske bazilike na obrobju glavnega mesta Pigadia./ Ruins of an early christian basilica next to Pigadia.
 Tole je v cerkvici v kraju Arkasa./ This is from a church in Arkasa
Še en letoviški kraj na zahodni obali, Lefkos./ Another vacation village, Lefkos.
Na srečo se je na rojstnodnevni dan spet razjasnilo in odšla sva uživat na mojo najljubšo plažo, rozo Diakoftis.
*** Luckily, the skies cleared up for birthday time so we headed again to my favourite beach, the pink Diakoftis.
Sosednji otok Kasos./ The island of Kasos.
Ostal je še en dan, ki je bil namenjen tretji od tistih treh obveznih plaž, ki jih je treba videti na Karpatosu in so tudi dostopne z navadnimi avtomobili (do ostalih, enako čudovitih, ki so bolj na severnem delu otoka, lahko prideš z đipom, saj ceste niso asfaltirane - te pridejo na vrsto naslednjič, ko se definitivno vrneva na Karpatos - en teden tukaj je čisto premalo).
*** With one day left we fulfilled our plans to visit all three of the most famous east-side beaches on Karpathos that are also easily accessible by car (other equally gorgeous beaches are at the north part, but the roads are not paved so you need a jeep and more time - and that's a whole new vacation... next time.)
Pogled s ceste na plažo Kyra Panagia. / Roadside view of the Kyra Panagia beach.
Na Kyri Panagiji je voda tako lepa, da je nisva mogla nehat fotkat in snemat z vseh možnih kotov.
*** Kyra Panagia has such an amazing water colour we couldn't stop taking photos and videos of it from every single angle.
Nazaj grede sva se ustavila še v glavnem mestu Pigadia, kjer sva bila drugače vsak večer, saj je to dejansko edini kraj na otoku, kjer se zvečer kaj dogaja.
*** On our way back we stopped at the island's capital city Pigadia, where we spent all our evenings since this is the only place on the island with some happening in the evening.
Še zadnji sončni vzhod in sprehod po kraju Amopi pred zajtrkom. / Our last sunrise and a walk though Amopi before breakfast.
Najin kraj, Amopi, sva prihranila čisto za konec. Ker sva vedela, da bo odhod domov šele pozno popoldne, sva zalive okoli Amopija prvič videla šele čisto zadnji dan. Po ogledu sva ugotovila, da je voda tudi tu tako lepa, da bi človek lahko skoraj cel dopust preživel že samo tukaj. Karpatos in njegovo morje je neverjetno čisto, modro, popolno.
*** We saved our vacation spot, Amopi for the very end. We knew the plane home would be late in the afternoon so we decided to see all the bays around Amopi the last day. We figured out that the sea here was also totally beautiful so if you had to spend your whole holiday just here, it would be perfecly fine. Karpathos and its sea is so unbeliavably clear, blue, just perfect.
Zadnje kosilo: odkritje tega dopusta - sirove kroglice so navdušile.
*** Last lunch: the revelation of this vacation - cheese balls were amazing.
Še nekaj namiznega vzdušja :)/ Some more table atmosphere.
In muc, ki je v izložbi trgovine z nakitom zabaval vse mimoidoče (vsak večer druga poza).
*** And a kitty that was entertaining all the viewers in the jewlery shop with a different pose every night.

Hvala vam za ogled tega dolgega posta, če imate kako vprašanje o Karpatosu ali Grčiji, kar napišite spodaj. Uživajte pa še ob ogledu kratke video razglednice, kjer so zduženi naj posnetki s Santorinija in Karpatosa (če ste zamudili junijsko santorinško reportažo, kliknite sem). 
Tale video pa bi se lahko imenoval My big fat Greek vacation :). Za HD izberite 720p.
So, thank you for reading this long post, enjoy also a short video that was made in Santorini and Karpathos (in case you missed our June Santorini report, you can catch it here.) I think the appropriate name for this video is My big fat Greek vacation :).
For the HD quality, make sure you choose 720p.

Thank you for viewing and your comments below.
If you need more information, just give us a holler.

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