Engaged: Blazenka & Seth - For the English version, please scroll to the bottom.
Zgodba Blaženke in Setha je kot pravljica. Blaženka je s Hrvaške, Seth pa Avstralec.
Sethovi starši izvirajo iz Evrope in vsakih nekaj let pridejo iz Avstralije sem ter potujejo po stari celini. Pred dvema letoma so dopustovali na hrvaškem otoku Ugljan, kjer se nahaja tudi kamp Činta, katerega upravitelj je baptistična cerkev Hrvaške, kamor pa hodi Blaženka. V ta kamp hodijo tudi prijatelji Sethovih staršev iz otroštva, tako da so njihova snidenja zagotovo nostalgična in polna lepih spominov.
Pred dvema letoma je Blaženkina mami, Anđelka, prav tako želela iti na počitnice v ta kamp, prav v to skupino, ki se imenuje 'stari čintaši'. Blaženka pravi, da je vedela, da bodo tam sami starejši in se ji ni ljubilo iti, ampak je potem vseeno šla. Na srečo, ker je takrat tam spoznala Setha, ki se je pridružil svojim staršem. Začela sta se družiti, zadnji večer pa se je njun pogovor zavlekel dolgo v noč, pravzaprav sta bila pokonci celo noč in se tako bolje spoznala. Naslednji dan sta šla vsak svojo pot, nazaj domov, Seth v Melbourne, Blaženka pa v Pušćine. Zmenila sta se, da se vidita spet čez tri leta, ko so njegovi starši zopet načrtovali potovanje po Evropi.
A usoda je že vedela, kaj hoče : ) Na srečo je tu internet, Seth je Blaženko poiskal na skypu in tako sta se začela pogovarjati. Vse več in več, kmalu že vsak dan.
Čez nekaj mesecev jo je nepričakovano povabil na potovanje v Kanado in New York, na katerega se je odpravljal s svojimi starši. Da se bolje spoznata in vidita, kam to pelje. Blaženka je najprej rekla ne; pravi, da si je mislila, da ne more kar tako z nekim tipom v Ameriko. Po dolgem razmisleku pa se je vendarle odločila, da bo povabilo sprejela.
Potovanje je bilo popolno. Takoj sta se ujela in ugotovila, da sta rojena eden za drugega. Kasneje sta se srečevala vsakih par mesecev in čakala, da Blaženka dokonča srednjo šolo.
Zaprosil jo je decembra lani na prelepi plaži v Avstraliji in tako bomo njuno zgodbo proslavili na poroki čez točno štirinajst dni.
& Seth, vajina zgodba je tako navdihujoča, prava za vse romatike. Vso srečo
vama želim.
The story of Blazenka's and Seth's love is like a fairytale. Blazenka is Croatian, Seth is Australian.
Seth's parents' origins are from Europe and every few years they travel from Australia to enjoy the European holidays. Two years ago they came to the Croatian island Ugljan, to the Cinta camp, which is managed by the baptist church of Croatia (which happens to be Blazenka's church). Seth's parents' childhood friends also come regularly to this camp, so you can imagine all the lovely memories they share.
Two years ago, Blazenka's mother, Andjelka, also wanted to come to this camp, to this particular group called 'the old Cintas'. Blazenka knew there were only going to be the older members of that group at the camp, so she really didn't feel like going. But, luckily she went anyway. She met Seth, who was travelling with his parents. They started to hang out and during the last evening of the holidays their conversation started to get a bit deeper, so they ended up staying up all night, talking and getting to know each other. The next day they went their separate ways, back home, Seth went to Melbourne and Blazenka went to Puscine in Croatia. They made a promise to see each other again in three years, when Seth's parents planned their next journey to Europe.
But destiny has its own way… Luckily, now we have the internet, so Seth found Blazenka on skype and they started talking. More and more, soon they started to call each other every day.
A few months later, out of the blue, Seth invited Blazenka to a trip he was taking with his parents to Canada and New York. To get to know each other better and see where this is going, he said. Blazenka first said no, thinking, she can't just go to America with some dude, not just like that. However, after a lot of thought she finally accepted the invitation.
The trip was absolutely perfect, she says. They clicked right away and realized they were born for each other. Later, they were meeting every few months and waited for Blazenka to finish her high school.
Seth proposed to Blazenka last December at a beautiful Australian beach and we will have the honour to celebrate their love at their wedding in exactly two weeks.
Blazenka & Seth : your romantic story is so beautiful and it fills us with joy. Thank you and all the luck.
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